Elephants & Onions is an Interactive Workshop that focuses on motivating students to embrace diversity and peel back the layers of social justice.
Building New Leaders Council Surge Crossing The Line Decision SCOPE Elephants & Onions Finding Your Why Leadership Plunge Limitless Leadership Masculinity Project PersonalPower: A RESPONSE ABILITY Workshop Recruitment Boot Camp SALAD The Intake Equation
Elephants & Onions is an interactive workshop that focuses on motivating participants to understand themselves better so they are set up to “peel back the layers” of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics impacting their communities.
For many individuals, diversity is often seen as the “elephant in the room.” We notice differences, we see differences, and we know that differences exist. However, our need to say and do the right thing can sometimes create a fear in us that makes the topic of diversity one we don’t want to even address. Elephants and Onions is a starting point for these difficult conversations that surround identity, privilege, values, and assumptions. In this workshop, participants will spend intentional time in self-exploration of their own “onion layers” to allow for the opportunity to dig deeper into social justice focused topics. Participants will be involved in a highly engaging experience, which will leave everyone feeling empowered to create a stronger, safer, and more nurturing community.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of this program, students will learn:
- what tools are necessary to become an advocate for social justice,
- effective interpersonal communication skills,
- how to engage in challenging dialogue with integrity, and
- have a good understanding of how social justice impacts relationships and conversations.
Primary Topics
- Authenticity
- Diversity
- Personal Growth
- Social Justice
- Values
What CAS learning and development outcomes does this workshop focus on?
- Humanitarianism and civic engagement
- Intrapersonal development
Workshop Details
- 4.5 – 5-hour workshop
- Includes a participant workbook and a post assessment
- Often used as part of an existing training
Who is this ideal for?
- Orientation Leaders
- Residence Life Training
- Peer Educator Training
- Fraternity and Sorority Leaders
Now that I have an understanding of how I react,I am able to view the entire situation more clearly and come to a more reasonable solution. By being able to take a step back and view the entire situation without bias, I am able to take in other people’s thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
— Jill
University of Rhode Island
This program opened me up as a leader and showed me how I could achieve my personal goals. It provided a ‘brave space’ that allowed a lot of issues to be discussed that normally get pushed under the rug.
— Brian
New Jersey City University
I believe that the workshop provided an understanding of social justice concepts and terms that needed to broken down for the students and they appreciated the ability to discuss those issues and not feel that they were attacked or looked down on. It was a great way to facilitate an important discussion about civility and respect. Our facilitators were awesome. I can always tell the effectiveness by the students who linger after the program to talk with the lead facilitators and the students definitely connected.
— Bob Dudolski
Assistant Dean of Students, Texas State University