Andrea Mosby

Andrea Mosby is a powerful speaker that truly believes in inspiring college students to navigate personal relationships and leadership positions with integrity.


  • Decision Making
  • First Year Experience
  • Leadership
  • Officer Training
  • Organizational Development
  • Relationships


Andrea Mosby inspires students to navigate personal relationships and leadership positions.

Getting to know

Andrea Mosby

Andrea Mosby’s life changed dramatically at the age of sixteen when she discovered she was pregnant. The challenges she faced as a teen mother, the “adult” decisions she was forced to make and the strength she discovered within herself during these times changed her life outlook forever.

Andrea began speaking to students, businesses and community organizations about her life experiences and how they related to her personal development and success. With the right approach, Andrea believes that challenges become opportunities to build character. Since those days, Andrea has gone on to receive her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Denver; and a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Colorado.

Andrea believes that all people should laugh as often as possible, share a smile with someone they don’t know and live each day forgiving their past, looking forward to their future and enjoying the moment.


To help you promote your event with Andrea, CAMPUSPEAK has created promotional templates you can use. In this folder, you will find resources for social media, a promotional poster for printing, and press photos you can use for your event.
Link to Promotional Materials


In-Person Event AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)

Andrea Mosby

I know that she empowered change. Their were students in the audience crying as she shared her story. It was true breakthrough. The most impactful part of Andrea’s keynote is her ability to connect her past directly with her success. These students needed to know that where they have come from does NOT determine where they are going. With one decision, you can change your future.

— Amber Grady

Arkansas State University-Newport

Andrea’s keynote was excellent, all the students gave her superior ratings! Her message was clear and at the same time entertaining. Andrea is an exceptional speaker, role model and person. A delight to spend time with.

— Mary Runyan

Columbus College of Art and Design

Andrea’s engaging stories and powerful message resonated with the entire student audience. Her inspiring attitude and willingness to accept the responsibilities thrust upon her greatly enhanced her lifelong commitment to leadership.

— Susana Wang

University of Colorado Boulder-Boulder


Dealing with Change in Your Student Organization

Student leaders are always working to move their organization forward, but there are a lot of questions that challenge them. What should we be doing? How will we move things in a positive direction? Do we have what we need to do it?

The key is change. In this workshop, Andrea discusses the strategies that help student leaders develop a strong organization that attracts individuals who have the ability to lead at a challenging level. Dealing with purpose, people and possibilities for an organization take active and visionary leadership. How do we prepare our organization to make a constructive change and help our members buy into the discomfort the change may bring? How can we build a more solid foundation for the future members and leaders? This workshop looks at the following:

  • Knowing the difference between productive change, versus change for change’s sake.
  • Getting buy-in from members and staying focused.
  • Coping with the uncertainty and discomfort of change.
  • Understanding the roles of compromise and collaboration toward a common purpose and vision.

Change is inevitable, but progress is optional. For an individual or organization to seek and find their purpose, they must be willing to step out of the comfortable and explore the not-so-comfortable.

Learning Outcomes As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • about the change process, including preparation techniques for a successful change process and its impact on people,
  • how to build connections with others and to lead their organization in achieving its overall objectives,
  • ways to deal with change when it affects resources, people (including advisors), and needs on campus,
  • how to prepare individuals and organizations to make a constructive change, and how much change they can get away with, and
  • steps to gain buy-in from peers for needed change and the ramifications of change.
From Friendship to Foreplay: Navigating the Minefield of the First Year Experience

The college years are just beginning, but there is a tremendous amount of pressure to get the very most out of the 48 months ahead. Students want to make responsible choices, but they also want to make friends, find a place to belong and put themselves on a path to success in their professional life. To be sure, there will be a ton of once-in-a-lifetime experiences that make college so special, but students also realize that it’s not going to be so easy every step of the way.

In her keynote, From Friendship to Foreplay, Andrea hits many of the issues that create anxiety in first-year students. How can they find the friends that will be with them for a lifetime? How can they be social, without being so social that they get into trouble? How can they find the balance of fun and success during college?

Andrea acknowledges that students have been saturated with information about the physical ramifications of drugs, alcohol, and sex, but they haven’t heard enough positive messages about the emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual impact of their relationships. In a society that emphasizes what we are lacking, students need to hear the vital strategies that will help them form not only healthy and happy relationships with others but also a healthy relationship with themselves. Knowing and respecting oneself is the first step in being capable of understanding and appreciating others in the campus community.

This keynote is a perfect “healthy emotional living” message for today’s incoming college students. By helping them recognize the healthy opportunities college brings, and by helping them approach those opportunities from a place of personal strength, Andrea motivates students to make the most of this special time of life.

Learning Outcomes As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • how to find a healthy balance between fun and success in college,
  • how to develop relationships that support their personal growth, and
  • ways to recognize the opportunities that healthy relationships bring to their college years.
The Power of Personal DECISIONS

Making decisions is a part of everyday life, and the decisions range from the mundane to the magnificent. College students have to decide if they are going to attend class today or skip it if they should stay in a relationship that is more work than reward and if they are going to shed light on dishonest work occurring in class. They must decide if they will make the lifetime commitment to be a member of the fraternity or sorority, or if they are going to join for the status that it gives them. Making decisions is much more than a yes or no- it is about getting engaged in your life and making the choices that are constantly moving you in the direction of your goals. The sometimes seemingly simple choices students make can result in making an impact and leaving a legacy when they have finished their investment in college.

The Power of Personal DECISIONS is an inspirational keynote in which Andrea teaches students about their personal power and their need to use it – not just for themselves, but to make a difference in the world. She combines personal storytelling with practical strategic thinking to create an experience for real life change. By using an acronym, DECISIONS, Andrea highlights some of the most important aspects of making healthy choices. From determination to having the courage to take control of their lives, Andrea says the tough stuff with gentle care. She combines humor, storytelling, and authenticity to this keynote that is perfect for your next leadership, new student orientation and/or fraternity and/or sorority new leader orientation.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • how the process of making decisions starts from within,
  • how to find inspiration to take healthy risks toward achieving their dreams, and
  • how to turn valuable obstacles into moments of opportunity.


The following are past entries Andrea has written for the CAMPUSPEAK Speaker’s Voice Blog