Regroup and Recommit: Mantras for Healthy Living

As the end of the fall approaches, the pressure can feel relentless. Exams, papers, and deadlines pile up, and it is tempting to abandon healthy habits in the rush to get everything done. But balance—mentally, physically, and emotionally—is critical to performing your best.

I’ve struggled with balance myself. Not long ago, a friend gently pointed out that I had started working most weekends again. Another noticed I was glued to my phone or email, putting out fires during a work trip we took together. I realized I had also become more critical of myself, with an increase in negative self-talk. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. But these friends offered me a kind reminder, not as a criticism, but out of care. It made me reflect on how much we need to be humble enough to receive feedback. Sometimes, the observations of others help us pause and regroup.

I decided to take their feedback and create a plan. I asked myself: What are the two tasks I can give myself permission to take a longer amount of time to complete? What’s the one thing I need to complete so I can rest easier? I even prioritized two activities for myself that had nothing to do with my to-do list and made a point to praise myself for just accomplishing one of these. This simple plan made all the difference. It reminded me that balance isn’t easy, but it is possible with intention.

Research shows that self-care, like this, improves performance. Students who sleep at least 7 hours per night score 20% higher on cognitive tasks (National Sleep Foundation). Small steps toward self-compassion—whether it’s praise, rest, or exercise—make all the difference.

Consider these mantas to approach the end of the semester with intention and inspire strength and resilience.

1. “Take It One Step at a Time”

When everything seems urgent, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps helps keep anxiety at bay. A 2022 study by the American Psychological Association found that students who practiced time management techniques experienced a 20% reduction in stress levels. So, focus on one task, one page, or one problem at a time. You’ll build momentum with each small victory.  Consider trying the Pomodoro technique (Link to and commit to that 5-minute break and rest your mind! You’ve been working hard!

2. “Progress Over Perfection”

Perfectionism can lead to burnout. Living well isn’t about perfection but about doing your best with the time and energy you have. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, students who set realistic goals were 60% more likely to finish their tasks and reported higher satisfaction. Strive for progress, not flawless execution, and remind yourself that improvement matters!

3. “Self-Care is Non-Negotiable”

Sacrificing sleep or nutrition can backfire. Your brain and body need fuel to perform well. Set aside time for movement, healthy meals, and sleep, even if it’s just 20 minutes for a walk between study sessions.

4. “You Are Stronger Than You Think”

During tough times, self-doubt creeps in. Use this mantra to remind yourself of your resilience. Studies show that 80% of students who practice positive self-talk feel more motivated and capable. You’ve faced challenges before and overcome them—you can do it again.

By incorporating these mantras and prioritizing your well-being, you’ll not only make it through but also have a greater likelihood of thriving! Join me, and let’s take some small steps together!

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