A lot has happened in this past year alone. From the current government, racial tension, the pandemic, and much more, it was not easy to be inspired to move ahead. I am here to tell you, in the midst of adversity, we can and we must keep marching on. It is time to become Uplifted more than ever. I know for me, college was one of the most exciting times for me. I joined clubs, ran for president, and wrote and performed my first song. With the start of 2021 off to a great start, I am truly excited to see you build and live your legacy. 2021 is the year to JUMP ALL IN.
#1 Make a Goal
When it comes to having a great idea or a plan of action, sometimes we tend to put it on the back burner, or ‘hope” things will magically happen. It is so important to plan and write out what you want to happen this year. It does not need to be elaborate. Simply putting together a plan that works for you is crucial to achieving your goals. You can adjust it along the way, but having a basic template is a game-changer.
#2 Take Chances
This is your time to take chances. Do not be afraid to get messy or make mistakes. College is the time to have fun, explore, and see what works for you! You get the chance to create and build upon the person you want to be. This is your time to create and map out your blueprint. You have everything you need to succeed. Trust and believe.
#3 Trust your GUT!
This is a BIG one. The fact you’re even in college and are attending the college you have chosen is a big factor to you probably trusting your gut and intuition. We might not always find the answers through reading a book, asking a friend, or even in a class. But inside of you, if you trust it, you will find the answer. Just trust. By trusting your gut, you will enter into amazing situations that you might not have found yourself in, in the past. Trusting your gut, especially in your first year of college can be the foundation for the years to come.
College was one of the best experiences of my life. College was the game changer for me. I put myself out there, tried new things, and really stepped outside of my comfort zone. It truly showed me who I was “capable” of being. I hope it does the same for you. You are nothing shorter than GREATNESS. I am excited to see where your path takes you next. I will be sitting back watching and cheering you on!