The positive impact of an every|day hero
Each day, we hope for a safe, fulfilling and enriching environment for students on college campuses. And everyday, students face situations—some big, some small—that present them with the opportunity to impact their campus in a positive way. But do they possess the confidence and courage to intervene in a problem situation?
Through his keynote, RESPONSE ABILITY: Being an Every|Day Hero, Mike is equipping students across the country to combat bystander behavior, and to become the every|day hero for themselves, those around them and their community as a whole.
And we can’t be more proud.
Each semester, the testimonials, tweets, emails and phone calls pour in with praise and thank you’s for Mike and his message. To hear how Mike is challenging the campus climate and getting students to act based on their values is a powerful thing, and we wanted to share with you the feedback he’s received in hopes of sparking the power within you to always remember how easy and safe it is to act whenever you witness harmful behavior.
“92.2% ranked Mike Dilbeck’s keynote, RESPONSE ABILITY: Being an Every|Day Hero, as excellent or good. There is great value in collegiate and alumnae members learning about the challenges and consequences of bystander behavior. Mike was able to deliver this message in a delicate yet powerful manner to our members.
– Krystal Slivinski, Alpha Sigman Alpha
“The feedback we’ve received from attendees has been nothing but positive. They all really took to Mike’s message. I’m excited to see the action our students take in response to this program.”
– Abby Myette, Boston University
“Mike’s presentation speaks to problems that affect every college campus and takes charge with a topic that is easy to avoid.”
– Samantha McGinty, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
“Mike provided some good ideas on how to best work with our students pertaining to bystander behavior. What made it effective was the power point with statistics and videos with the testimonials. That was impactful.”
– Terence Parker, Texas State university
“You could hear a pin drop while Mike was sharing his story. I think that means they were listening!”
– Pam Gibson
Thank you Mike Dilbeck and the @ResponseAbility Project for closing out an amazing #AFLVWest conference!
Visit campuspeak.com/dilbeck to learn more about Mike or how to become an every|day hero.