David Stollman
Are your fraternities and sororities held back by chapters and members who don’t get it or who just don’t care? Do you have members who are there for the wrong reasons?
- Confrontation Skills
- Fraternity & Sorority Life
- Hazing
- Officer Training
- Recruitment
- Values
Getting to know
David Stollman
To help you promote your event with David, CAMPUSPEAK has created promotional templates you can use. In this folder, you will find resources for social media, a promotional poster for printing, and press photos you can use for your event.
Link to Promotional Materials
In-Person Event AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)
Discussion Questions (PDF)

Buy In or GET OUT!
Too often, good leaders and good chapters are not able to succeed because they are too busy cleaning up after the ones that don’t get it. Much of the time organizations are fighting against the negative image these members create. Imagine how much more could be accomplished if they were part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.
David Stollman is ready to take the wheel and will say the things that you wish you could.
Let him confront them in his funny, interactive and moving style. His message will inspire those that want to care about the core values of Fraternity and Sorority Life—fellowship, service, leadership and scholarship, and he will challenge your members to embrace the best and get rid of the rest. This keynote will touch on topics that range across all major issues facing today’s members.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will:
- Have renewed motivation to live up to their ritual’s teachings,
- Have a better understanding about the degrading effect perpetuating negative stereotypes have on the Fraternity and Sorority Life community,
- Understand their role in breaking stereotypes, and holding others accountable to do the same, and
- Remember that their brother or sister is their personal responsibility, and that communities are responsible to, and for each other.
Recruitment Boot Camp
The bubble is bursting. The skyrocketing numbers we saw for years across the country are trending down. More chapters are going to have to RECRUIT new members rather than just SELECTING from those that came to them.
It isn’t about “Quality vs. Quantity,” it is about “Quality AND Quantity!”
Smart chapters, communities and national organizations have realized that Values Based recruiting is more than just adding the right buzz words to the script you read to Potential Members. Reorganizing the way we recruit to connect with the increasing percentage of the high quality students that are looking away from us is essential.
Recruitment Boot Camp teaches tangible & long-lasting action items for organizations not high fives and hollow motivation that fades. David teaches the proven system that has worked for thousands of chapters on hundreds of campuses to recruit more higher members. Over the last 20 years David has spoken at over 600 campuses across the US & Canada and helped chapters double, triple and quadruple in size all while increasing the quality of membership.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will:
- Learn the difference between passive selection in Rush and active recruitment.
- Learn about how to align organizational values to recruitment efforts for true Values Based Recruiting
- Learn strategies for building a brand identity on their campus that communicates their values and benefits to membership
- Learn the proper roles, and responsibilities of the Council, the Chapter and the Individual Member in the recruitment process
- Learn the proven Chapter Recruitment System that engage member’s personal networks to grow the Quality and Quantity of the membership.
Hazing Works & Other Lies
There are lots of reasons why people haze. Sometimes there is genuinely good intent. A desire to create a strong bond. A feeling of responsibility to maintain perceived traditions. A perception that only those “worthy of membership” are accepted. A belief that membership must be earned through great effort for it to be truly valued.
The truth is, that intentions aren’t really relevant. Hazing is something that can and must end. Hazing is a mirage. It doesn’t build long-lasting bonds, it destroys them. It doesn’t weed out unworthy members, it insures a subservience. It doesn’t create a feeling of accomplishment, it creates a feeling of completion of expectations. It empowers a concept of “tradition” that is both wrong, and bad.
There are more effective, means to accomplish each of the potentially valid reasons someone might employ Hazing. This program will break down the lies, expose the truth, and challenge the reality of Hazing so a new reality can be born.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will:
- Learn the most common hazing myths,
- Learn the true dangers of hazing,
- Learn alternatives to hazing, and
- Be challenged to be advocates of change in their organizations, communities and campuses.
Drop the Drama
Drama. Aren’t you sick of it?!
What if more members were capable of having honest and difficult but necessary conversations? These “soft skills,” like the ability to have critical conversations, to confront others without negativity and to receive critical feedback are prized by employers. Training students now will positively impact your organization and prepare members for future success. In this keynote, David helps students learn the fundamentals that help build more respectful, caring and authentic communication strategies among individuals and within their communities.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:
- How to use effective confrontational skills,
- How to receive critical feedback, and
- How to create a positive communication culture within an organization.
The following are past entries David has written for the CAMPUSPEAK Speaker’s Voice Blog