Five ways to jumpstart your council or chapter this fall
As both professionals and students, it is easy for us to get caught in a routine. We challenge you and your council orchapter to try something new this fall and step out of your comfort zone. Here are five suggestions to jumpstart your council for the new year:
1. Partner with an organization you have never worked with before.
You probably have one chapter or organization that you typically work with on events. Why not work with a completely new group? Perhaps even a group that works in a different area of campus. Challenge yourself to find things in common and learn from each other.
2. Meet with a similar organization from another nearby school.
Are there any other schools within driving distance from your campus? Reach out to a similar organization at that campus and set aside an afternoon when you can meet to get to know each other. You may have more in common than you think. By sharing experiences, you may find the answer to some of the challenges you are facing.
3. Tap into your new members.
Your new members may be the most valuable assets you have. They see things with fresh eyes. Include them in your goal setting process and allow them to dream big.
4. Dive deep into the habits of your organization.
Spend some time examining the habits of your organization and ask yourselves why you do some of the things you do. Remember the values and the mission of your organization. Are they aligned? Maybe it is time to break some of the unhealthy habits your organization has fallen into.
5. Try a new approach to your traditional officer retreat.
Have you been using the same agenda for your officer transition or retreat for too long? It might be time to try a new approach. Start with a blank slate and determine what is truly needed and important for your organization. It can we helpful to get an outside perspective and guidance from a trained facilitator. Council Surge is an interactive workshop that will do just that. With two morning tracks and six afternoon tracks, this workshop can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization. Your trained facilitator can also offer that fresh perspective your council or chapter needs to recharge before the academic year. Learn more about Council Surge and how it can meet the needs of your organization visit. Questions? Email [email protected].