More Life. More Everything.

By: Kaylon Bradford

“More Life. More Everything.” – Drake

As an avid social media enthusiast and higher education professional, I follow several fraternity and sorority life pages. When I scroll, I’m always impressed by the tireless efforts that ensure the legacy of each Greek letter organization shines bright. Innovation and creativity instantly come to mind when I see recruitment practices, promotional videos, photoshoots, new member presentations and accomplishments. With each generation, the Greek presence gains traction, and it’s an amazing sight to see.

Last week as I scrolled, I became slightly disappointed. I saw so many good-looking people in photoshoots, and so many great graphics, but something was missing. I saw the letters, I saw the fun, I saw the friendship, but I missed the SERVICE.

It’s so easy to get lost in the letters, that sometimes we forget about the people. The people who are depending on us for their next meal. The people who’ve been affected by a natural disaster and need our hands to rebuild. The people who are in need of the money we raise, to fund the centers that gives them a place to sleep at night. The people who need the education we have to raise awareness about a problem that’s affecting their life!

As we go into a new academic year, I want to challenge every campus, every community, and every student to give more, do more, and show more. We are more than really cool themes and t-shirts. We are more than the hazing storyline plaguing campuses across the nation. We are more than division, and diversity fouls.  We are more than alcohol, tailgates, parties, and probates.

We lead and advocate for our campus and community needs. We Invest hours serving, impacting lives of those in need. We exhibit brotherly and sister love, even across councils. We are the heartbeat of college campuses and we need to share our story.