Archie Messersmith-Bunting

Archie Messersmith-Bunting is saving lives one high-energy, dynamic presentation at a time. He believes that self-care is selfless, your mental health matters, and that our feelings & emotions are not to be ignored.


  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • First-Year Experience/Orientation
  • Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Health & Wellness
  • Leadership
  • Mental Health
  • Mindfulness & Self Care
  • Risk Management & Harm Reduction
  • Resilience
  • Hazing Prevention
  • Suicide Prevention


Getting to know

Archie Messersmith-Bunting

Using dynamism and authenticity, Archie Messersmith-Bunting champions mental health awareness nationwide at universities and high schools. His vulnerability helps students rethink complicated and emotional topics like depression, suicide, alcohol, and drug addiction.

Archie reaches students personally as he openly and honestly shares his own struggle with addiction and clinical depression. He weaves research of top therapists and addiction specialists into his storytelling, allowing audiences to understand and feel the potential for loss and pain. He guides attendees to a place of self-reflection, encouraging them to find balance and reclaim the power of the emotional baggage that often controls their lives.

Whether it’s a conversation at New Student Orientation about mental health or a student leader keynote about leading with purpose, Archie offers a vibrant mix of life lessons that leaves students inspired, empowered and ready to make authentic changes. Ultimately, helping re-frame the narrative that tough topics can and should be tackled together to overcome life’s deepest sorrows.

Archie attended Samford University for his Bachelor’s degree and received a Master’s of Science in College & Student Personnel Administration from Illinois State University.


To help you promote your event with Archie, CAMPUSPEAK has created promotional templates you can use. In this folder, you will find resources for social media, a promotional poster for printing, and press photos you can use for your event.
Link to Promotional Materials.


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Archie.
In-Person Event AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)


Archie’s impactful presentation left a lasting impression on attendees, with 95% of them strongly agreeing or agreeing that they enjoyed hearing from him. His emphasis on the importance of harm reduction and understanding their impact on the brain resonated strongly with the audience. Participants took away valuable lessons on the significance of understanding what you are putting in your body, being mindful about what they consume, and checking on the well-being of friends and loved ones. Many expressed their commitment to take action by helping those in need, reaching out to friends, and being more aware of their surroundings. Archie’s message, highlighting the dangers of drug use, the value of seeking help, and the importance of supporting friends and loved ones, received overwhelming support from the audience.

— Mat Greer

Assistant Director, Temple University

Archie was the first speaker for our series on mental health and wellness, and he started us off with a bang! He interacted with participants with energy and ease, even in a virtual environment. Archie connected with participants and provided them with a great environment for learning the tools to take better care of themselves.

— Lauren Doerner

Senior Training and Development Manager, Kappa Delta


If Everyone is “Fine” – Then What’s Wrong With Me?

Have you ever wondered how we became a society of “fine”? When did the “Feeling Train” get so far off the track? How did we all become conditioned to be “fine” 24-hours a day, 7-days a week and, more importantly, can we get the Train back on track?

The good news, the research suggests it’s possible. The even better news, it might not be as hard as we think.

In the program, Archie Messersmith-Bunting helps students better understand both anxiety and depression and how those mental health challenges might show up in their family, classmates, or co-workers. Participants will then be led through a guided discovery period to identify their beliefs and assumptions about “feelings” and craft ways they can lead with feelings both in and out of the classroom.

Join Archie Messersmith-Bunting as we discuss the science behind your feelings, discover new ways to express what you’re feeling, and learn all important questions to ask when you are worried someone in your life might not be “fine”.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending the program, students will learn:

  • Define the difference between “mental health” and “mental illness”.
  • Review the signs and symptoms of the two most common mental health challenges: anxiety and depression.
  • Discover their beliefs and assumptions about “feelings”.
  • Learn the professional & personal benefits of EQ.
  • Identify practical steps they can take to begin to “lead with feelings”.
What if I’m the Problem?

Have you ever heard the phrase “Change your mind, change your life” and thought – “Nah – that’s not for me! I’ll just work harder and make things happen!” But what if there was actual scientific truth to all this mindset conversation you’ve been hearing? (Spoiler alert: there is!)

We hold beliefs about all things. Those beliefs have a direct influence over what we do or do not achieve. When we have empowering beliefs, our achievements can feel almost effortless. If we have self-limiting or disempowering beliefs, then it can often feel like we are pushing a big rock up a steep hill. And, as we’ve all likely experienced, we often stop pushing before we ever reach the top. Not because we can’t reach it, but because we believe that we can’t.

Let’s learn to harness the power of our mind and flip the script on our disempowering beliefs.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending the program, students will learn:

  • To inventory areas of your own life where disempowering beliefs are prevalent.
  • To identify the key scientific areas of mindfulness.
  • To be empowered to apply research-based techniques to their daily lives.
It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Mental illness: Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. These words have shame and an enormous stigma attached to them. Although there is progress in the mental health field, it isn’t happening fast enough for mental illness sufferers. Often people don’t feel comfortable saying, “I need help” or “I’m really not okay.”

In this program, Archie Messersmith-Bunting details his own mental health struggles and reminds attendees, “it’s okay not to be okay.” He encourages attendees to take personal action: tell someone and talk about your feelings. This is the beginning of true healing and happiness.

Participants learn how to identify signs their co-worker, family member, or peer may be struggling and how to connect them to support resources. They will also discover action steps to encourage help-seeking while avoiding the less-than-helpful things many say to those struggling with depression.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • How to review the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues today and learn their symptoms.
  • How to identify non-verbal signs that a co-worker might need support.
  • How to evaluate their own self-care plan and brainstorm ways it could be improved.
  • They are empowered to engage in help-seeking behavior.
Claws, Coke, and College

In almost every college coming-of-age movie, beer pong, parties, and hangovers are common. For many, the big screen reflects our lived reality. A majority of students use alcohol and perhaps experiment with other drugs. It’s normal, right? While most will not find themselves in a hospital ICU with a drug overdose, most students know someone who battles alcoholism or addiction. These battles are often fought alone, with many friends having difficulty confronting the dark nature of the diseases.

In this powerful program, Archie Messersmith-Buntinge shares his own personal journey to show how easily partying turns problematic. Students learn how to spot warning signs in their peers. They equip themselves to have vulnerable conversations with those struggling with recovery.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • A new perspective on alcohol and drug addiction and how it might impact both their life and the lives of those they call brother or sister.
  • How to identify potential warning signs that someone they love may be struggling with alcohol or drug abuse.
  • Appropriate conversation starters to have with someone they fear is struggling with alcoholism or addiction.
New Member Bill of Rights

Every year when Fraternity/Sororities begin bringing new members into their organizations the topic of hazing prevention comes up – understandably so. But often times these conversations center will singularly center around the things you can’t do. “Don’t do this or it’s hazing…”, “You can’t do this or it could be hazing…”, the list goes on and on.

Why don’t we flip that script and talk about what we can do, what should be expected from every new member program, and what all fraternities & sororities should be providing their new members. Join Archie Messersmith-Bunting as we strip back the mystique of your new member or pledge program and work through your New Member Bill of Rights.

Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • How to create a positive chapter climate (physically, mentally, & emotionally safe
  • How to identify the Big Harm and Little Harm that may exist in their current new member practices
  • How to create detailed & clear expectations for new member program
  • How to treat members with dignity and respect
Leading During Turbulent Times

Effectively managing a team has always been challenging, but leadership during and post-pandemic is a whole new ball game. With all the noise in the world, it’s hard to focus on your team and lead with purpose.

With a new leadership framework Archie has created, your managers or student leaders will learn to focus on their most critical leadership priority – the people on their team.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this program, students will learn:

  • How to re-examine their current leadership priorities and identify areas where they can refocus their time and attention.
  • How to identify what is truly important in their teams.
  • A new leadership framework to allow them to be more intentional in their leadership practices.
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