How to Run a Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign

In March of 2020, near the beginning of COVID-19, an interesting dilemma emerged in the world of sexual violence prevention. As a collective society, we processed the initial pandemic. Daily and normal activities shut down. As a sexual assault prevention speaker and survivor though, one unique consideration regarding the pandemic involved how to carry on with Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Within a day’s time, month-long plans with partners and clients went out the window. A conundrum existed with how to move events, activities, and initiatives virtual, or whether to abandon them altogether considering the issues facing society.

Almost a year later, it sometimes feels we are in the same place. Countless institutions are still navigating what it means to raise awareness for sexual violence and prevention, whether in-person, virtual or through a hybrid approach.

From educational efforts to survivor support, it is important to understand the role we can play in adapting sexual assault awareness campaigns towards virtual channels as well as addressing why this work matters so much.

Below you can download a Free 10-Page Resource where I highlight some of the unique constraints currently facing those working towards sexual violence prevention, outline tools that will allow us to be more effective, and address how to be exceptionally careful of the survivors in our communities.

To download Tim Mousseau’s Free Resource on Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Campaigns, please fill out this information. 

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As a survivor, I know how much sexual violence prevention and awareness matters. It matters that our communities are better informed about the issues facing them and how to help stop these. It matters that other survivors know where to find resources and feel supported, even in a virtual world.

I know it is a unique time to facilitate this conversation. In a few small shifts to how we approach this issue, by a few small changes to our mindset, it is possible to deliver effective virtual campaigns that are neither overly time-consuming nor difficult.

If you ever have any questions, or you would like to talk, please email me at I would love to be of help. Collectively, I believe we can overcome this issue in an effective manner.